Friday, September 4, 2009

First Day with Kids

It was the students' first day back today. Heather and I decided not to tell the kids about the iPods but we did give a speech about how important they were as a class. The kids didn't believe us. They actually told us that they thought I was giving the speech to the rest of the classes.

We also informed the kids that all of their classroom material will be housed online on Google's suite of educational applications and that they will be one of two classes in our district to be trying this. They seemed interested but I imagine not half as interested as when we roll out 25 iPod Touch devices.

I'm STILL touching up the government unit. Found some great free apps for the Touch. Free Constitution App. makes one of our lessons much easier. We like to hand out things like stamps and tell kids to find that in the Constitution. (Thanks Rick)


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